Ayurveda: The Great Mother Science
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word comprised of two parts: 'Ayur' meaning 'life' and 'veda' denoting 'knowledge' or 'science'. Collectively, these terms translate to "the science of life” or the science of living wisely.
Ayurveda's knowledge stems from the Vedic scriptures— the most ancient body of knowledge known to humanity. Despite its thousands of years of existence, this ancient healing system is timeless, universally applicable, and just as relevant today as it was at its origin. You could say that in this fast-paced modern world in which stress and chronic illness are at an all-time high, it is even more necessary and pertinent than ever.
Ayurveda takes a 360-degree view of health and healing. Instead of focusing on the absence of disease, it views health as a holistic concept that encompasses all facets of life, including the physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual well-being of the individual.
It also considers the individual's inherent nature or constitution (prakruti) and current state (vikruti), the diet, external environment, season of the year and many other aspects in its treatment methodology. This multi-faceted approach makes it a truly unique, individualised and powerful healing system. Its effectiveness explains why it is still widely practised today and growing in popularity at a time when many are seeking to take back sovereignty over their health.